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Sebastian Hodapp – Seite 4 – Sebastian Hodapp

Archiv des Autors: Sebastian Hodapp

Recently I had the need to calculate the driving time between several locations dynamically in an Excel sheet. Luckily there’s teh Google Maps API available. Unfortunately it returns JSON and thus needs to be parsed to get the result in minutes only.


For motorizing the Death Star I’ve printed another 3d piece: A pulley.


It’s time to start the schematics for the death star project.


How should be the core of the Death Star been powered? Is there a seperate power supply needed?


I needed a tilt-only gimbal for my FPV 250 quad. Why not 3d printed?


Mit dem heutigen Datum ist es passé, das berufsbegeleitende Masterstudium…


Der wichtigste Schritt zum Mastertitel ist vollbracht.


Hobbyking’s FPV250 frame and the recommended Multistar motors do unfortunately have one disadvantage: The diameters of mounts and holes do not fit.

